Why Self-Charging Electrostatic A/C Air Filters Are The Best And Outperform All Others

The Advantages of Lifetime Electrostatic A/C Air Filters

Quality lifetime washable custom-made to-size self-charging electrostatic a/c air filters that are 90 percent efficient are the best choice to keep your A/C or furnace system clean, healthy, and efficient for the life of your A/C system. At the same time, enjoy the lowest electric bills possible to protect your home and air conditioning system investment! 

 These are the best A/C air filters for protecting air conditioning systems.

 Vac-able and washable self-charging electrostatic air filters replace your old inefficient disposable filters in the same place they are now located!

Self-charging electrostatic air filters are also easy to keep clean while enjoying the many benefits of dust, allergy, and asthma control with a more immaculate more dust free home for many future years. 

 Our Absolute self-charging electrostatic air filters are much less air restrictive than 3M pleated (Filtrete) filters and others for dust and allergens.

 They also have significant advantages because electrostatic filters catch more dust and allergens. After all, they work both mechanically and electrostatically to detect and remove airborne dust and allergens from your indoor air while protecting your A/C or furnace system from becoming filthy with dust and mold!

 This, in turn, keeps your home or building clean while creating a healthier indoor air environment for your family or co-workers! 

 The Important Difference Between Polyester & Superior Polypropylene Electrostatic Filter Media   

 The overall purpose and technology for self-charging electrostatic air filters is a fantastic way to keep the indoor air dust and allergen free with very little back pressure that will hurt the furnace or A/C air handler unit and compressor.

 However, there are essential differences in the materials used to create these filters. Most manufacturers produce a lower-quality electrostatic air filter that uses a polyester filter media material in the middle of the filter to catch the smaller dust particles and allergens. 

 Air filters with polyester media in them are often a bit less expensive and work well for a while; however, in time, after a year or two, the polyester material will start to degrade and sag from within the filter after repetitive cleaning with a garden hose. After a few years, these lesser-quality filters become harder to keep clean and will need to be replaced! 

 The Self-Charging Electrostatic Air Filter Made With High quality Polypropylene We Highly Recommend! 

 The Absolute lifetime self-charging electrostatic air filter we recommend and offer is (Made In The USA), custom made to size to replace your existing filter in the same space it now sits in.

 The Absolute A/C air filter is the best on the market because it includes a layer of microbial-proof woven electristatically charged polypropylene material on both sides of the filter. This consists of a much more robust 100 percent polypropylene media that is also anti-microbial attached to its sturdy reinforced metal filter frame.

 The electrostatic charge of this better-designed, longer-lasting polypropylene fiber is much stronger than any electrostatic polyester air filter, and it will catch more dust and allergens.

 The polypropylene media in our air filter is also stiffer and easier to wash because it does not sag and lose its shape with repeated washings.

Our Absolute self-charging electrostatic air filters will outperform, out clean, and outlast all other electrostatic air filters for many years to come. This Includes BoAir (Out Of Business), Air-Care, Permatron, LifeStyle Plus, and Allergy-Free electrostatic air filter brands! 

 Our Absolute self-charging electrostatic air filter has an excellent MERV rating of 6. This allows the absolute filter to clean the air better with much less back-pressure air restriction to the air handler unit and ductwork for easier cleaning, better airflow, and faster home or office cool-down time with lower electric bills. 

 Easy Care Instructions For Absolute Self-Charging Electrostatic Air Filters 

 Once a month, remove the filter, clean the surface with a vacuum cleaner and replace the filter. Every other month remove the filter, vacuum off the surface dust, and then back flush out the filter with a garden hose or in the shower.

 If greasy dirt is on the filter, spray it with fantastic, simple green, or any degreaser cleaner. Wait a few minutes before flushing it out. Allow the air filter to drain or shake out any dripping water and then reinstall.

 Reinstalling a damp A/C air filter is OK. The airflow coming through the filter will quickly dry it out and restart the electrostatic charge to again catch and hold onto small dust and allergen particles coming into the filter. If the filter looks dirty within a months time, vacuum it off and back flush with water to clean it every month. 

Important Information About MERV Ratings And Types Of A/C Air Filters. 

         Higher MERV Ratings Are Not Better. Lean Why!

 Many people believe that the higher a filter’s MERV rating is, the better the filter will be! This is not true!

 The word MERV stands for “Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value” This is a scale of rating the efficiency of an air filter from 1-16. The higher the MERV numbers, the air filters' ability to filter out and remove smaller particulates that include dust and allergens become more efficient and often far too efficient, which is not good! 

 The BIG problem with MERV ratings is that the higher the rating, the more significant restriction of airflow will be to get air to pass through the air filter. MERV ratings of 12 or more are so restrictive the reduction of airflow can easily be high enough to damage an air conditioning or furnace system while making them much less efficient to cause higher electric bills!  

 Disposable Fiberglass in Cardboard Filters And Hogs Hair A/C & Furnace Air Filters Are The Worst Choices

 Most air conditioning and heating companies recommend only using the cheapest fiberglass inserted into cardboard frame filters you can find at Home Depot, Lowes, or Ace Hardware stores. They will tell you that all more efficient air filters will restrict airflow into your system and cause damage. This is untrue! Have you ever thought about why they mostly recommend these Cheap-O air filters?  

 The reason is that these inexpensive, almost worthless 3-5 percent efficiency fiberglass-in cardboard frame air filters and cut-to-size hogs hair air filters are the A/C and heating companies’ best friends. They are the primary essential resource to get back into your home or business to repair, clean, or replace (Changeout) your filthy and now broken down A /C system or furnace!

 The reason you can see a large amount of light coming through these cheap air filters is simply because there is hardly any filter media to stop the airborne dust and allergens from passing right through them to plug up your ductwork, air returns, and air handler unit that includes the evaporator coil and blower motor located inside of the air handler unit! 

 Pleated A/C And Furnace Filters Made By 3M Filtrete And Others Are Better Than Fiberglass Cardboard Filters But Far From The Best Choice

 Pleated filters are better than the much lower quality and almost worthless 3-5 percent cardboard, and Hogs Hair filters that most people put into their A/C and furnace systems.

 3M Filtrete pleated filters are the most common brand on the market, but others include Honeywell, AirX, Filter Buy, Filter King, and Grainger. The problem is that the Filtrete filters and others targeted to remove small allergens are far too efficient at 97% with a whopping restrictive MERV rating of 14.

 The Filtrate filters for removing allergens need to be replaced every 2-3 months at prominently $30.00 per filter! At a total cost of between $120.00 to $180.00 every year, these filters are not the best choice, considering how badly they restrict the airflow trying to pass through them and the high yearly cost factor! 

 This degree of airflow restriction could cause damage to A/C systems while causing them to be less efficient in cooling the homes and buildings by slowing down the time it takes to cool them down!

 The air restriction is worse if the evaporator coil in your air handler unit is already dirty! This, in turn, will increase electricity consumption and your electric bill! Also, pleated filters are not custom-made to size! This means pleated air filters cannot fit into odd-sized air returns to protect the connected furnace and A/C systems!  

 Our custom-made to-size washable self-charging electrostatic A/C air filters have huge advantages over pleated air filters and all disposable type A/C & furnace air filters! 

 For more information on custom-made to-size absolute self-charging electrostatic A/C and furnace air filters see the website at  Call Us Toll Free At 1-888-578-7324 or Call The Office Direct At 561-629-5618