The Real Sad Truth About The ORECK XL And DualMax Air Purifiers

The Real Sad Truth About ORECK Air Purifiers

The information in this article is brought to you by Absolute Air Cleaners and Purifiers Inc.

The Real Sad Truth About ORECK Air Purifiers

 Many of our customers were previous owners of Oreck XL and DualMax Air purifiers. Oreck puts out great-looking infomercials and makes a lot of extraordinary claims about the ability of their air purification units to clean the air in your home, providing a safe and healthy atmosphere for your family. Oreck sells thousands of these air purifiers and makes millions off customers believe they are getting top-quality air cleaners when the reality is much different.

 Oreck claims that its air purifiers are made in the USA when this is a blatant lie, and they are cheaply made in china and boxed in Tennessee. The original owner David Oreck whom you see in the commercials for their products is no longer the sole owner and sold out to an investment firm called American Securities Capital Partners LLC, which operates solely for profit and outsources the manufacturing of Oreck products.

 Oreck XL cleaners are small, inefficient units smaller than a shoebox. The DualMax is about twice the size of the XL but just two XL units. They have small underpowered fans that provide shallow air exchange, even in a small room. Oreck claims that the XL can purify the air of a 900-square-foot space in an hour, but this is very misleading, as it doesn’t clean the air of small contaminants. It may remove dust and larger particles but does nothing to reduce smoke, chemicals, gases, and many very harmful smaller particles.

 Oreck also boasts that it has the lowest cost of maintenance through its advanced filter technology. This is also untrue, as their technology is outdated. They use a Truman Cell, which uses grid technology that has been around since the 1940s. The problem with grid technology is that once the magnetic grid is full of dust, all the particles are blown back into your breathing air. The Oreck filters are small and get dirty easily, making them fill up quickly.

 Oreck filters are $39.00 for a 4-pack and don’t last very long. They also add Blooming Jasmine chemical scents to their filters to give the illusion that the air you breathe is clean when it is not.

 What If You Want Something Better?

 If you want clean indoor air in your home, you need a high quality HEPA air purifier such as the Airpura UV700 HEPA air purifier which we carry on our website at

These are the same type of HEPA air purifier systems used by hospitals, laboratories, schools and dentist offices where clean air is essential. Most of our air cleaners provide an air exchange rate of up to 10 times over that of the Oreck XL to clean the indoor air.

 If you listen to Oreck, they will claim that their units are superior to HEPA filters, which is entirely untrue. Oreck lies to the public to sell more of their small shoebox-sized inefficient air purifiers. A true HEPA filtered air purifier can clean 99.97 percent of efficiency down to .03 microns of particle size. 

Quality HEPA air purifier brands include Airpura and Austin Air. These two manufacturers are experts in the production of HEPA air purifier units that are far superior compared to the many other air purifiers being sold on the market that includes Oreck. So if you are searching for a quality air purifier, make sure you purchase from a reputable company that has been in business for a long time. 

For more information on the far superior compared to Oreck Airpura UV700 HEPA air purifiers and Austin Air Healthmate HEPA air purifiers, see the website at Call Toll Free 1-888-578-7324 or for a 100% free indoor air quality and air purifier consultation call the office direct line at 561-629-5618

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Buy from The Available Range of HEPA Air Purifiers at

Airpura UV700 HEPA Air Purifier | Austin Air Healthmate HEPA Air Purifiers