Remove The Toxic Wildfire Smoke Contaminating Your Home That Can Damage Your Respiratory And Immune System

Toxic Wildfire Smoke

Most people do not realize how dangerous and reactive wildfire smoke is and how it can weaken the respiratory and immune system in many different ways. Wildfire smoke dangers include two major factors that can damage your health. They are the particulates of the wild smoke itself and the toxic chemicals that are deeply imbedded into the smoke.

The airborne particulates and the toxic chemicals in wildfire smoke can be a major irritant to the lungs to then travel through the body's respiratory system, heart and even into the digestive system to cause many health problems that trigger allergic reactions, asthma and COPD flair ups that can have a major effect on the ability to breathe, think and see properly.

 Where The Toxins In Smoke Are Coming From

Exposures to the many toxic chemicals in wildfire smoke can cause major damage to the body's immune system! The cocktail of toxic chemicals imbedded into wildfire smoke are limitless due to what chemicals are being burned on the terrain and from the structures that are being burned and wiped out!

Just a few of these hazardous chemicals include herbicides used to destroy weeds that include Glyphosate (Roundup), Triclopyr, Amine 2,4-D, Imazapyr. A whopping 280 million pounds of Gyphosate otherwise known as roundup is sprayed onto over 298 million acres of land and around homes and buildings each and every year to destroy weeds.

Other dangerous toxins that burn in wildfire smoke include a huge list of many different types of pesticides that are sprayed and applied in dust form onto crops, fields, wooded areas and into peoples homes and adjoining structures to kill insects.

Other hazardous toxic chemicals that burn and are imbedded into wildfire smoke include sulfur dioxide, hydrocarbons, styrene, dioxins, heavy metals and solvents in burning paints, stains, calking and other building materials that include benzene, toluene and xylene.

 How To Protect Yourself And Family From Toxic Indoor Wildfire Smoke

It can be extremely dangerous to be exposed to and breathe toxic wildfire smoke in your home's indoor air environment! The best plan is to do everything you can to avoid breathing this chemical cocktail of wildfire smoke in your home. Take these steps to be able to stay healthy as possible in your home during the smoke filled days and nights.


  1. Keep your windows closed and if they leak use duct tape to seal the air leaks and quickly close your doors when coming in and out of your home.

  2. If you have air conditioning keep it running and utilize a high efficiency self charging electrostatic A/C air filter or a pleated A/C air filter that can remove as many possible airborne particulates that can be carried into the indoor air environment of your home from the outdoors.

  3. When coming indoors from the toxic smoke outdoor environment change your clothes while isolating your contaminated clothing in sealed plastic bags until they are ready to be washed.

  4. vacuum your home often with a 100% sealed HEPA vacuum cleaner to remove the particulate from the smoke in your carpeting, floors and furniture. NOTE: The (Made In The USA) Air Storm Plus HEPA vacuum cleaner is the absolute best 100 percent sealed against leakage vacuum cleaner on the market for wildfire smoke related dust and for everyday cleaning!

  5. EXTREMELY IMPORTANT!---- Purchase only high quality HEPA air purifiers that are 100 percent sealed against any and all leakage of airborne dust, allergens, outgassing chemicals, pesticides and wildfire smoke while it is operating! The air purifier(s) should have the highest air exchange rate per hour possible in any size room and it should also incluse multible pounds of activated carbon to absorb and remove odors and the airborne chemicals that are imbedded inside of the smoke!

 The Two Best Brands Of HEPA Air Purifiers To Remove Wildfire Chemical Smoke And Odors

The two best manufacturers of HEPA air purifiers to remove indoor wildfire smoke and the chemicals located within the smoke are by Airpura And Austin Air. Both of these HEPA air purifiers will do a good job for removing wildfire smoke and odors.

 However the Airpura 700 series of HEPA air purifiers are more powerful to provide a higher air exchange rate per hour, they are noticeably quieter and they contain additional pounds of both treated and untreated activated carbon to absorb outgassing chemicals and the chemicals imbedded in wildfire smoke. The (Made In Canada) Airpura models to check out are the C700, C700 DLX and the V700. Check out the UV700 HEPA and P700 HEPA air purifiers that also includes a non ozone producing UV ultraviolet light system and new technology that quickly destroys biological contaminants that include Airborne viruses, bacteria and toxic mold spores.

The best (Made In The USA) Austin Air purifier models to check out are the Healthmate HM-400 and HM-450 HEPA air purifiers .

 Most people run out to their local big box store at the last minute to purchase the low quality (Made In China) air purifiers that they all sell! These Chinese brands include Honeywell, Vornado, Blueair, Dyson, Coway, IQ Air, Shark, Levoit, Germ Guardian and many others! All of these air purifiers are not sealed well against leakage. Almost all of these units have a very low air exchange rate per hour even in very small rooms and minute amounts of activated carbon in them if any at all for odor and chemical absorption.

                                      Closing Statement

The truth and accurate fact is if you really want to have the proper indoor air quality protection for your home, yourself , your family and pets during active wildfires ONLY invest your hard earned money on high quality HEPA air purifiers! Not on inadequate junk which will make you and your family very unhappy because they will do a noticeably bad job of cleaning your indoor air at the most important times during wildfire seasons when you really need to be able to breathe clean indoor air in your home!

If at all possible make your HEPA air purifier purchase before wildfire season so you are ready and prepared! Also you will have the important advantage of being able to clean the airborne dust, allergens and outgassing chemicals out of your indoor air on an everyday basis for improved general health and wellness.

 During bad wildfire seasons it can be very hard to locate to purchase both high and low quality HEPA air purifiers as the smoke can often affect millions of people in many states all at the same time all trying to purchase these air purifiers!

 For More Information On The HEPA air purifiers And Other Products Mentioned In This Article For Toxic Wildfire Smoke, See The Website At Call Toll Free 1-888-578-7324 or For a 100% FREE Indoor Air Quality, Air Purifier And Allergy Product Phone Consultation Call The Direct Office Line At 561-629-5618.