How To Avoid Low Quality Air Purifiers While Choosing Only The Best HEPA Air Purifiers For True Dust And Allergy Control

People With Environmental Allergies To Dust, Pollen, Dust Mites And Pet Allergens Are Often Chronically Miserable. We Can Help Change This For Them
If inadequate actions are being taken for people with chronic allergies to remove and reduce these highly reactive allergens from the indoor air environment that trigger the reactions they are experiencing it will continue to make them miserable!
The truth is that few people take the time to research to learn what quality HEPA air purifiers are all about before running out to purchase what they perceive they need to reduce the indoor allergens they are reacting to. Most people end up at one of the big box stores such as Walmart, Home Depot, Lowes, or Best Buy! Others go straight to Amazon to purchase their air purifiers! They need to realize that 90% or more of these air purifiers ARE INADEQUATE LOW-QUALITY CHINESE MADE JUNK!
The Many Reasons Most Air Purifiers On The Market Are Of Very Low Quality
Many air purifiers are being deceptively marketed and sold with no mechanical filters to catch and remove dust and allergens! They use negative ionizers that drop the dust and allergens onto your furniture, countertops, floors, and bed to breathe and react to while you are sleeping. Negative ions also produce low levels of ozone that can irritate the body's mucus membranes of the eyes, nose, and throat!
- Other air purifiers use electrically charged metal plates that attract only a tiny amount of electristatically charged dust onto the metal collector plate. After a light coating of dust attaches to the charged metal plate, it loses its charge! If the collector plate is not cleaned repeatedly throughout each day, the dust and allergens flow right past the metal plate and through the air purifier and back into the indoor air environment to breathe and react to over and over again! These charged metal plates also produce low levels of ozone!
- Other low-quality air purifiers that do include actual filters that include HEPA filters, have a small and inadequate air exchange rate per hour, even in tiny bedrooms! They can't clean the air fast enough to make a worthwhile difference and properly clean the air to reduce airborne allergens! This is much worse in homes with central air conditioning or ducted heating systems!
- The great majority of low-quality air purifiers are poorly sealed in the case of the unit and filters, if they have them! Poorly sealed air purifiers re-contaminate the indoors because a good amount of the dirty air that is supposed to be caught by the filters is passing around them and back into the indoor air environment to breathe and react to!
- Many low-quality air purifiers advertise that they include activated carbon to remove and reduce outgassing chemicals and odors from carpeting and home furnishings in the indoor air! What they deceptively exclude is the fact that the amount of activated carbon in their air purifiers is WORTHLESS because most of these air purifiers are applying a minuscule amount of not even an ounce of carbon dust onto a piece of polyester or cloth material that often will not last for more than a few days before its used up and as I stated WORTHLESS!
- Most air purifiers do not have the ability to properly destroy biological contaminants, including airborne viruses, germs, bacteria, and mold spores, which are a genuine and growing concern in the world we live in. However, a few air purifiers on the market boast that they include UV lamps in them to destroy these biological contaminants!
- They deceptively fail to disclose that the UV lamps in their air purifiers are not powerful enough to kill many biological contaminants! These low-power, low-quality UV lamps are toys; a good sign of this deception is to look at the unit's specifications for the UV dosage! When you do this, you will see that the ultraviolet dosage information is conveniently left out of the list of specifications.
Best High-Quality Air Purifiers And Why They Are Superior Compared To The Others Being Sold
High-quality air purifiers must be 100% sealed against any leakage of dust, allergens, outgassing chemicals, and biological contaminates back into the indoor air to breathe and react to while operating! They need to include a 100% sealed high grade HEPA air filter and a motor that is both quiet and powerful enough to provide a high enough air exchange rate per hour to move enough air to quickly flood the room or open area it is operating in to provide clean dust and allergy free air while also being able to destroy biological contaminants!
Suppose the air purifier is being used in an area with outgassing chemicals and odors from homes with newer carpeting, furniture, and other home furnishings. In that case, a high-quality HEPA air purifier will also contain multiple pounds of activated carbon that will adsorb the outgassing chemicals and odors for up to two years. Suppose the indoor air contains biological contaminants, including airborne viruses, bacteria, germs, and mold spores. In that case, the best HEPA air purifiers will also have a powerful non-ozone-producing UV ultraviolet light system that can and will quickly destroy them!
The HEPA Air Purifiers We Recommend And Where To Find Them
The absolute best HEPA air purifier that does everything is the (Made In Canada) Airpura UV700! I have been a leader in the indoor air quality industry, selling only high-quality HEPA air purifiers since 1989 while selling them online since 1994.
In all my years dealing with HEPA air purifiers, I have never seen or operated an air purifier that even comes close to the quality and air cleaning ability of the Airpura UV700 HEPA air purifier! The UV700 is 100 percent sealed against any leakage of dust and allergens back into the air to breathe and react to while operating. It has a potent variable-speed motor that can produce 450 CFM of air movement with the filters installed in the unit! This CFM rating is twice or more of the air movement most other air purifiers typically produce! You would think such a powerful motor-producing CFM would be loud and annoying.
A great bonus of owning a UV700 is that it is quiet and peaceful, with a decibel noise level rating of only 30.2 DBs at low speed and 63.0 DBs at high speed. This is great for noise-intolerant people because they can sleep all night without waking up when the UV700 HEPA air purifier is operating in their bedroom. It also includes 18 pounds of activated carbon that will remove outgassing chemicals and odors from its operating space for up to two years before the activated carbon needs to be replaced. The Airpura UV 700 HEPA air purifier also includes a robust non ozone-producing medical-grade ultraviolet light system dosage of 30,000 micro-watt sec/cm2 that will destroy airborne biological contaminants, including viruses and bacteria and mold spores!
There are other quality Airpura 700 series and still top quality but less powerful 600 series units with and without ultraviolet light systems as well! They will all out clean and outperform the many other brands of HEPA air cleaners being sold on the market! The Airpura units are unquestionably the best on the market.
We also sell another quality (Made In The USA) HEPA air purifier by Austin Air systems of NY. The models we offer are the HM-400 Healthmate Standard and the HM-450 Healthmate Plus, which has added potassium Iodide into its 15 pounds of activated carbon/zeolite blend for additional outgassing chemical and odor removal.
Here Is Another High Quality, User-Friendly HEPA Air Purifier (Made In The USA)
Austin Air HEPA air purifiers are highly user-friendly as the pre-filter, 15 pounds of activated carbon, and HEPA filter are all in one compact drum that should be replaced once every 3-5 years. The pre-filter can be kept clean by vacuuming off the outside of the unit once every week or two, and the all-in-one filter drum is straightforward to replace! One team will cover an area of up to 1,500 square feet! However, the smaller the room is, the better its cleaning performance will be.
Many of these units are placed in bedrooms and family rooms. Austin Air HEPA air cleaners are perfect for people who are mechanically challenged or just a bit lazy! They are nicely sized at 14.5" X 14.5" X 23" high in size and easy to roll around on their caster wheels. Austin also offers smaller units they call Healthmate Juniors; however, we feel that they are too small to do an adequate job even in small rooms compared to the bit larger units that cost just a little more money!
For More Information Or To Purchase These Top Quality Airpura UV700 And Austin Air Healthmate HEPA Air Purifiers, See The Website At Call Toll Free 1-888-578-7324 For A 100% Free Indoor Air Quality / Air Purifier Phone Consultation, or Call Direct At 561-629-5618
Buy from The Available Range of Air Purifiers For The Best Dust And Allergy Control at
Airpura UV700 HEPA Air Purifier | Austin Air Healthmate HEPA Air Purifiers | Best HEPA Air Purifier